I have been wanting to do shows for a few years but now I'm able to do so with the help and backing of Billy Lyve and the whole Wisdom Court team. I have always wanted to help the scene do more and achieve more from what they are trying to accomplish.
With this show there is a criteria....rules if you want to call it! And just because we are cool and friends that doesn't mean you will be able to do the show on the strength of that. Here is the email that I send to anyone interested in being apart of the show:
The Baltimore Paparazzi and Wisdom Court Ent Presents...In The Spotlight
Thank you for your interest in being apart of this event series. I have wanted to do something for the local scene for years and now have the opportunity to do so.
The criteria is you have to follow:
Be professional, business minded and remember that this is a business. I will not tolerate any nonsense and if anyone associated with you causes an issue or a problem at an event you will not be booked again with me and I will not suggest you for the events that follow for Wisdom Court which is the purpose of my event!
There is a minimum 15 tickets to sell! I would encourage you to sell more to have a better chance of being able to do other events. It is a 50/50 ticket sale. So that means 15 tickets I get $75 and you get $75.
I require a security deposit of $25 which is non-refundable. So if you don't know if you can sell the tickets or if you can do that date then I suggest you don't commit yourself to that date!
I know some come just pay for the tickets without selling but I want to see faces in the crowd. That is the purpose of the shows...to show off your talent and to gain new fans.
There will be 12 acts, 12 minute sets.
I want everyone there on time and staying more than just your set. This is a networking event as well. You may see someone you want to collab with or connect with.
This is basically a stepping stone to being able to be booked at other events. Everyone has to start somewhere and I'm trying to give everyone a chance. So if this is something you can do than let's work!!
Thank you
So if you think that you can do this and want to be able to network then let's work. If you can show me that you have a following and can sell more than 15 tickets then I can suggest you for our Club Paparazzi shows and then the Baltimore Soundstage events we have and then possibly for a spot at Ram's Head.
I have been trying to get some of you to network and come out to support Wisdom Court and this is why! I have been working on new adventures and trying to network with everyone. It's not up to me anymore, it's your turn to show me how serious you are about your music.
Come out and support me and my August 10th show and show me how serious you are about networking.