August 4th through August 6th is the Baltimore Cease Fire. And since the first announcement people seem to really have their "opinions" on this idea. Well here are mine.....
When I first heard this months ago I was wondering if they were going to follow through with the idea. See I have seen so many people in this city come up with good ideas but they have no follow through. Mostly because good ideas need a lot of work and let's face it, most people have the attention span of a goldfish. But as the days went on and I seen who was the "face" of the Cease Fire I knew that she wasn't about to give up and she would keep up the motivation to keep those who were involved to keep involved.
I can't remember the first time I met
Erricka Bridgeford but I remember that every time I seen her she had this beautiful smile and a hug. So seeing that she was one of the founders of this movement I knew that it was going to have the follow through it needed.
Now as I first stated, a lot of people have given their opinions on trying to have Nobody Kill Anybody this weekend. I was seeing a lot of negative opinions on trying to save lives. Instead of talking down the organization and the people who are reaching out to the people in the streets and trying to at least get 72 hours with no one being killed.....maybe these people should help do something to help these kids realize there is more to life than just being in the streets.
People like to complain about things instead of trying to contribute. I seen a lot of well its not gonna work......well what about the rest of the days of the year.......and you know it all has to start somewhere. And it started today!!
So far as I am writing this blog, there have been no murders. I pray that this is a trend that continues. So far in Baltimore we have had 209 murders. The youngest being 1 and the oldest being 97.
2017 Baltimore City Homicides - List and Map
I pray that the cease fire is truly the beginning of people cherishing life.
Please do your part in helping spread the word.
AB Rock - Aint Yours (Baltimore Ceasefire)
The Bangladesh Project ft Anonamas & Wombatt55 - Ceasefire (A #BaltimoreCeasefire Anthem)
Von Vargas Ft Various Artists - Baltimore Cease Fire