Well this is the camera I am getting I do believe! I will be buying it in the next couple of weeks. Nothing real fancy but an upgrade from what I was using.
Thank you to those who have donated even just a $1 to try and help me! Tay Tay collected $110 for me and wanted to do more! Also I had a few others tell me they were going to give to the cause and that meant alot. So wit in the next week or so I will be going into debt sort to speak and buy this camera so I can take pictures once again.
But things will be different. The definition of paparazzi is
I have been doing this for free and not asking anyone for anything unless they ask me to come to their show or if they wanted a photo shoot. Then it becomes a job.
I am still going to be taking pictures for TayLand promotions and for EC because for one they have a "business" deal with me sort to speak and for two they have tried to do things for me because we have a mutual love and respect for one another. Also I will still be taking pictures of those I consider family and real friends. Any other pictures that I take can be bought and will have my logo or website on them so that it can't be cut off or I just won't be taking certain people's pictures. Sorry but since July it has been an eye opener to how much bullshit people have tried to feed me.
I support you by buying your dvd or cd and you get asked to donate to the camera fund and you say you don't have any money or you just turn away. LOL So my kindness is not a weakness! I wasn't even asking for the donations. That was something that someone felt was only right seeing how I support and take pictures and try and help other local artists other than my "home team".
In life we are tested every day. And I believe this was a test for me to see the bigger picture and the reality of what my "role" is in this scene. And it was a test for those around me and a good majority failed. LOL Since my camera has been broken, the requests for me to attend shows and events have all but stopped. LOL So I really find it funny!!
So once again, thank you to everyone who has supported me and who have given and who have offered to give and who have just been true to me. Thank you to those who haven't as well. Without you showing me the real you, I might have continued to be a fool.